Celulitis: cómo eliminarla?


Recetas de barritas de granola bajas en carbohidratos.

Bolitas energéticas de garbanzos – sin hornear

Barritas (o cuadrados) de chocolate, versión keto, sin azúcar!

Comer menos y quemar más calorías no siempre funciona

Cuadrados de queso y orégano, sin harina!

Pan de molde cetogénico!

Receta de un pancito bajo en carbohidratos!

Berenjenas con queso al horno estilo pizza, receta rápida y fácil

Berenjenas al Horno

Receta: crema vegana de calabacín, sin lácteos


Did you know that the man is the only mammal
who willingly deprives themselves of sleep?

Our bodies and our brains are begging for the sleep we’re designed to get, and which is essential...

I wonder… What does “being in shape”
mean to you?

Thinking about my fitness journey, about my issues with food (that still haunt me like alcohol will always forever haunt alcoholics), I stopped to think that for the first time

Are Carbs the enemy???

Are Carbs the enemy? The answer is NO! The first diet I ever did was a NO carbs, High Fat and High Protein diet – sort of like the