Pan Blanco Bajo en Carbohidratos y sin Gluten

Pan Blanco Bajo en Carbohidratos y sin Gluten


Este pan es rico en grasas saludables y bajo en carbohidratos. Tú decides el grosor de la porción o rebanada. Un pan entero aportará aproximadamente 65 g de proteínas y 30 g de carbohidratos totales y 12 g de carbohidratos netos.




Delivery and Pick-Up

You can pick up the order at our kitchen or have it delivered directly to your door.
Delivery schedule: All orders received before Monday at midnight will be ready for pick up or delivered on Thursday.
All orders received before Thursday at midnight will be ready for pick up or delivered on Sunday. Delivery is only available in the Montreal Region, at your closest Metro Station.
Delivery fees: 7$ *to be paid cash at the moment of delivery