An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away — is it true?

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This old English proverb was first coined in 1913. It was based on a Pembrokeshire proverb that originated in 1866, which meant eating nutritious food like apples will make one healthier. Therefore, one will not need to visit the doctor often. Although research shows that eating more apples may not necessarily lessen the doctor’s visits, it can help improve many aspects of one’s health.

Does it really keep the doctor away?

Truth be told, apples are loaded with important nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

One medium apple provides the following nutrients:

Calories: 95
Carbs: 25 grams
Fiber: 4.5 grams
Vitamin C: 9% of the Daily Value (DV)
Copper: 5% of the DV
Potassium: 4% of the DV
Vitamin K: 3% of the DV

In particular, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to neutralize harmful compounds known as free radicals and protects against disease.

Apples are also a great source of antioxidants like quercetin, caffeic acid, and epicatechin; and by eating one apple you will be closer to the minimum 5 portions of fruits and veggies you should have per day.

Now on to you…. are apples part of your diet? Do you eat at least 5 portions of fruits and veggies per day?



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